10 Function Magic Tongue


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  • Tongue Shaped Vibrator
  • Silicone Construction
  • Soft Nubs for Clit and Anal Stimulation
  • 10 Vibration Functions
  • USB Rechargeable
  • Charges in 1 Hour
  • 1 Hour Use Per Charge
  • Measures 4 Inches Long
  • Phthalate Free


The 10 Function Magic Tongue is a tongue shaped vibrator made from premium silicone. The soft and pliable material is phthalate free and body safe. It is non-porous and gets super slippery with just a small amount of lubricant. Stick with water based lubes with this and all silicone sex toys. No batteries are required. It is rechargeable and comes with a USB charging cord that will fully charge it in about 1 hour and once charged it will provide about an hour of stimulation before needing to be charged again. There are 10 different vibration functions, and while the tongue vibrates and stimulates the vaginal walls and g-spot, there are two lip like areas covered with soft silicone nubs that stimulate the clitoris and anus.


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