6 Inch Power Cock Realistic Vibrating Penis


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  • Made of silky-smooth silicone
  • Lifelike curve reaches deep to target pleasure zones
  • Ultra-powerful vibrations, three speeds and four variations
  • Rechargeable and waterproof
  • Measures 6.88 x 1.81 inches


The Powercock 6€ Realistic Vibrator is the perfect companion for your fantasies. Made of silky-smooth silicone, this vibrator features a lifelike curve that reaches deep to target pleasure zones with its ultra-powerful vibrations, which come in three speeds and four variations. All along the shaft, veins and folds enhance the sensation of every thrust with a lifelike feel that feels even better than the real thing. Rechargeable and waterproof, it measures 6.88 x 1.81 inches and is body safe. The Powercock 6€ Realistic Vibrator is the perfect way to explore your fantasies and experience intense pleasure. Simply power up the vibrator with the simple press of a button and let the ultra-powerful vibrations, three speeds and four variations take you away. The lifelike curve reaches deep to target pleasure zones, while the veins and folds along the shaft enhance the sensation of every thrust. Rechargeable and waterproof, it's the perfect companion for your fantasies.


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