7 Inch Slim Anal Realistic Vibrator


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  • Rechargeable
  • Waterproof
  • Body Safe
  • Measures 8.07 x 1.83 Inches


The Powercock 7€ Slim Anal Realistic Vibrator is the perfect toy for those who crave the ultimate pleasure. Featuring a slim shaft and a Pleasure Collar with textured grooves, it's perfect for anal play. The broad collar also protects it from going in too deep. The shaft is covered in smooth silicone with veins and folds that give it that deliciously real feel. Rechargeable, waterproof and body safe, this vibrator is sure to satisfy your deepest desires. The Powercock 7€ Slim Anal Realistic Vibrator is perfect for those who want to explore the world of anal play. With its slim shaft and Pleasure Collar with textured grooves, it's sure to provide hours of pleasure. Start off slow and gradually increase the intensity as you become more comfortable. The waterproof and body safe design makes it easy to use in the shower or bath. Enjoy the ultimate pleasure and satisfaction with this amazing vibrator.


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