All in One Ultimate Personal Shaver


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  • Ultimate Personal Shaver by Swan Unit
  • Interchangeable Shaving Attachments: Main Trimmer, Precision Trimmer & Comb with Length Settings, Finishing Head, Stencil Trimmer
  • 11 Assorted Shaving Stencils
  • Cleaning Brush
  • Travel Storage Bag
  • Base Organizer
  • 2 AAA Batteries


Get silky smooth skin with no nicks, cuts, or razor bumps with the Ultimate Personal Shaver by Swan. This bundle includes a Precision Trimmer attachment for detailed trimming, 11 assorted shaving stencils, cleaning brush, travel storage bag, base organizer, and 2 AAA batteries. The Ultimate Personal Shaver by Swan is designed to provide a close and comfortable shave, with interchangeable shaving attachments for a variety of styling needs. The main trimmer is perfect for trimming and shaping, while the precision trimmer and comb with length settings allows for precise trimming and styling. The finishing head is ideal for a smooth, close shave, and the stencil trimmer is perfect for creating unique designs. The 11 assorted shaving stencils provide a variety of options for creating unique looks. The cleaning brush helps keep the shaver clean and free of debris, while the travel storage bag and base organizer keep everything organized and ready for use. The Ultimate Personal Shaver by Swan requires 2 AAA batteries (included). The Ultimate Personal Shaver by Swan is perfect for creating a variety of looks. Whether you're looking for a close shave, a precise trim, or a unique design, this shaver has you covered. The main trimmer is great for trimming and shaping, while the precision trimmer and comb with length settings allow for precise trimming and styling. The finishing head is perfect for a smooth, close shave, and the stencil trimmer is ideal for creating unique designs. With the 11 assorted shaving stencils, you can create a variety of looks with ease. The Ultimate Personal Shaver by Swan is perfect for anyone looking for a versatile, easy-to-use shaver.

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