Cock-T Cock Ring


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  • Super Soft
  • Super Squishy
  • Long Wear Ring
  • Compatible with All Lubes
  • 1.25" Inside Diameter
  • Tight Fit for Normal Size or Small Guys


This great new cock ring is designed for all normal guys and has a tight fit but it's so soft and squishy that it can be worn for longer periods. If you have an extra large cock or extra large balls, or both, you will want to go for the XL version of this cock ring. The width and size of this cock ring are just right. It stays in place and is very comfortable. It has the feel of flesh and has a warm feel to it. Since it is made from silicone, it is non-porous and very hygienic. It was made with the platinum cure process, so it is safe to use with all personal lubricants including silicone, water, or oil based lubes. This will be your favorite cock ring!


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Blue Ox Designs Llc
Non Vibrating Cock Rings