Commotion The Rhumba Vibrator


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  • Powerful Up & Down Bead Motion
  • Stimulating Vibration
  • Double Clitoral Shape
  • 7 Vibration Functions
  • Waterproof and Submersible
  • Ultra-Soft Silicone
  • USB Rechargeable


The Commotion The Rhumba Vibrator is the perfect toy for those looking for an unforgettable experience. With 4 beads driving up and down, this vibrator offers a unique movement that creates exquisite unwavering pleasure. The bulging tip is perfect for teasing your G-spot, while the double clitoral rabbit ears' vibrations boasting 7 functions work their magic! The ultra-soft silicone finish is waterproof, including the self-sealing USB charging port. Rhumba has all the right moves to satisfy, so prepare to start a Commotion in the bedroom! To use the Rhumba Vibrator, simply press the power button to turn it on. Then, use the buttons to cycle through the 7 vibration functions and find the one that best suits your needs. When you're done, press and hold the power button to turn it off. The Rhumba Vibrator is waterproof and submersible, so you can enjoy it in the shower or bath. With its powerful up and down bead motion, stimulating vibration, and double clitoral shape, the Rhumba Vibrator is sure to provide you with an unforgettable experience.


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BMS Sex Toys
Rabbit Vibrators , Vibrators