Commotion The Samba Vibrator


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  • Powerful Up & Down Bead Motion
  • Stimulating Vibration
  • Triple Clitoral Shape
  • 7 Vibration Functions
  • Waterproof and Submersible
  • Ultra-Soft Silicone
  • USB Rechargeable


The Commotion Samba Vibrator is an incredibly powerful vibrator that is sure to bring you to new heights of pleasure. This vibrator features an up & down bead motion that will stimulate your G-spot and provide you with intense pleasure. The triple clitoral shape and 7 vibration functions will provide you with an orgasmic experience like no other. The ultra-soft silicone finish is waterproof, including the self-sealing USB charging port, so you can take your pleasure to the next level. Get ready to experience the ultimate in pleasure with the Commotion Samba Vibrator! The Commotion Samba Vibrator is perfect for those looking to explore new heights of pleasure. With its powerful up & down bead motion, triple clitoral shape, and 7 vibration functions, you can customize your pleasure to fit your needs. Whether you're looking for a gentle massage or an intense orgasmic experience, the Samba Vibrator has you covered. Take your pleasure to the next level with the Commotion Samba Vibrator!


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