Her Anal Kit


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  • Premium silicone rocker probe
  • Tapered silicone glider probe
  • Powerful multi-speed, silver plated ABS bullet shaped stimulator
  • Super soft and pliable silicone graduated anal beads for beginners
  • Easy to use multi-speed stimulator
  • Retrieval loop for heightened orgasmic vibrations
  • Phthalate free
  • 1 year warranty
  • 8in x 0.75in / 10.25cm x 2cm (Beads)
  • 3.75in x 1in / 9.5cm x 2.5cm (Glider Probe)
  • 4.75in x 1in / 12cm x 2.5cm (Rocker Probe)
  • 2in x 1in / 5cm x 2.5cm (Stimulator)


Her Anal Kit is the perfect way to stimulate and tantalize her intimate pleasure spot. The comprehensive kit includes everything you need to elevate her ecstasy during passionate couples play. The ultra-smooth, contoured silicone probes and beads can be used independently, or with the easy to use multi-speed stimulator. The kit comprises of a premium silicone rocker probe, a tapered silicone glider probe, and a powerful multi-speed, silver plated ABS bullet shaped stimulator. Super soft and pliable silicone graduated anal beads for beginners are also included. For increased sensitivity use a quality lube when inserting the comfort fit probes and beads. The stimulator slips into the probe's retrieval loop for heightened orgasmic vibrations and erotic sensations. This kit is perfect for first-time users and experienced explorers, who know how to extend their sensual fun. Always clean the anal accessories before and after every use. With Her Anal Kit, you can explore new levels of pleasure and enjoy a heightened sexual experience. Her Anal Kit is the perfect way to explore new levels of pleasure and enjoy a heightened sexual experience. Start off slowly by using the graduated anal beads for beginners. Apply a quality lube to the beads for increased sensitivity and insert them one by one. Once you're comfortable, move on to the rocker and glider probes. Insert the probes and use the multi-speed stimulator to increase the pleasure. Slip the stimulator into the probe's retrieval loop for heightened orgasmic vibrations and erotic sensations. With Her Anal Kit, you can explore new levels of pleasure and enjoy a heightened sexual experience.

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