Maxx Men 9.5 Inch Straight Dildo


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  • Better than Real “Real Skin” for maximum pleasure
  • Bigger is Better for a unique sensation
  • Waterproof for easy cleaning
  • Phthalates free for safe use
  • Material: PVC
  • Overall Length: 10"
  • Insertable Length: 7"
  • Diameter: 2"
  • Thickness: 6.625"


The Maxx Men 9.5 Inch Straight Dildo is a unique and powerful way to enjoy realistic pleasure. It is made from phthalate-free PVC, which makes it safe for extended use, and is also waterproof so you can easily clean it. It boasts an impressive “Real Skin€ texture to give you a realistic sensation when you use it. The dildo is also very large, featuring an overall length of 10 inches, an insertable length of 7 inches, a diameter of 2 inches and a thickness of 6.625 inches. This allows you to enjoy a bigger, better experience than you would with other dildos. If you're looking for a powerful, realistic experience that will take your pleasure to the next level, then the Maxx Men 9.5 Inch Straight Dildo is an excellent choice for you. Its unique “Real Skin€ texture, large size and waterproof construction make it perfect for exploring different kinds of sensations. You can use it to experience thrusting with a partner, or simply enjoy its size as you use it on yourself. It has been designed with safety in mind, so you can be assured that you're using the best dildo on the market.


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