Maxx Men 9 Inch Curved Dildo


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  • Better Than Real “Real Skin”
  • Bigger Is Better
  • Waterproof
  • Phthalates Free
  • Material PVC
  • Overall Length 10”
  • Insertable Length 8”
  • Diameter 2.125”
  • Thickness 6.5”


Discover the Maxx Men 9 Inch Curved Dildo for a truly realistic experience! This toy features a superior experience from its Better Than Real “Real Skin€ to its Phthalates Free PVC material. Its larger size offers more stimulation than other dildos, as it features an overall length of 10€ with an insertable length of 8€, a diameter of 2.125€, and a thickness of 6.5€. Its waterproof body ensures that you can have fun in the shower or any other wet environment. With the amazing realism of this dildo, you'll be able to enjoy the most realistic experience possible! Experience your own sexual exhilaration with the Maxx Men 9 Inch Curved Dildo. With its realistic shape and waterproof body, this toy gives you the opportunity to use it in any environment. The “Real Skin€ gives you the sensation of a real penis, making it a great experience with or without a partner. Its larger size allows for deeper penetration, providing greater stimulation and more pleasure. Enjoy an even more realistic experience with an adjustable speed vibration function. With its impressive size and realistic feel, this dildo will be sure to provide you an experience like never before!


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