V Style Cock Ring and Ball Divider


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  • Stimulates as it engorges the penis for bigger, stronger erections
  • Divides testicles for tantalizing stimulation
  • Prevents contraction of testicles during ejaculation
  • Adjustable for men of all sizes
  • Made from 100% PVC
  • Phthalates free


The V Style Cock Ring and Ball Divider is a great way to enhance pleasure during sex. It stimulates as it engorges the penis for bigger and stronger erections while also dividing the testicles for tantalizing stimulation. This cock ring also helps to prevent contraction of the testicles during ejaculation. It is adjustable so that it can fit men of all sizes and is made from 100% PVC which is phthalates free. This product will help you to reach new heights in pleasure! The V Style Cock Ring and Ball Divider can be used to add extra stimulation during intercourse. Simply put the ring around your penis at the base and then adjust the ball divider so that it fits comfortably between your testicles. The ring will help to keep your erection strong while the ball divider will provide extra sensation as you thrust. You can experiment with different positions to find out what feels best for you both!


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