Vibrating Inflatable Enforcer


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  • Variable speed
  • EZ Squeeze hand pump
  • RoHS compliant
  • Phthalates free
  • Material: Latex
  • Size: Inflatable
  • Length – 8.5 inches (21.6 cm)
  • Insertable Length – 5.5 inches (14 cm)
  • Shaft Diameter – 1.25 inches (3.2 cm)
  • 2 AAA Batteries (not included)


The Vibrating Inflatable Enforcer is the perfect toy for those looking to add a little extra excitement to their bedroom play. This latex toy features variable speed and an EZ Squeeze hand pump for easy inflation. It is RoHS compliant and phthalates free, so you can be sure it is safe and non-toxic. The Inflatable Enforcer comes in one size of 8.5 inches (21.6 cm) in length, 5.5 inches (14 cm) insertable length and 1.25 inches (3.2 cm) shaft diameter. It requires 2 AAA batteries (not included). The Inflatable Enforcer is perfect for solo play or for use with a partner. It is easy to use and can be adjusted to the desired level of intensity. The variable speed feature allows you to choose the perfect level of stimulation for your pleasure. The EZ Squeeze hand pump makes it easy to inflate and deflate the toy quickly and easily. The latex material is durable and long lasting, so you can enjoy the Enforcer for years to come. The Inflatable Enforcer is a great way to add a little extra excitement to your bedroom play. It is perfect for those looking to explore new sensations and explore their own pleasure. Whether you are looking for a little extra stimulation or just want to add some variety to your bedroom play, the Inflatable Enforcer is the perfect toy for you. The Vibrating Inflatable Enforcer is the perfect toy for those looking to add a little extra excitement to their bedroom play. Whether you are looking for a little extra stimulation or just want to add some variety to your bedroom play, the Inflatable Enforcer is the perfect toy for you. With its variable speed and EZ Squeeze hand pump, you can easily adjust the intensity of the toy to your desired level. The latex material is durable and long lasting, so you can enjoy the Enforcer for years to come. Enjoy exploring new sensations and exploring your own pleasure with the Inflatable Enforcer.


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