Bad Bitch Lipstick Vibrator


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  • Compact and Discreet
  • 10 Vibration Modes
  • Last Function Memory
  • Travel Lock
  • Easy 1 Button Control
  • USB Rechargeable
  • Charges in 2 Hours
  • Up to 2 Hours of Vibration Per Charge
  • Measures 3 x .75 Inches


It looks like lipstick, but this Bad Bitch is an extremely discreet vibrator that can easily be hidden in your purse for pleasure on the go. It features 10 vibration modes, including pulsation and escalation modes. There is a single button on the base to easily control vibration, and it remembers the last vibration mode you used and starts where you left off. A travel lock function requires you to hold the power button for 3 seconds to turn it on, this helps prevent it from turning on accidentally in your purse. It is rechargeable and includes a USB charging cable that fully charges the vibrator in 2 hours. Once charged, it provides up to 2 hours of vibration before needing charged again.

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