Bodywand 5 Piece Honeymoon Gift Set


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  • USB Rechargeable Wand for powerful vibrations
  • Vibrating Love Ring for extra pleasure
  • Bling Blindfold Mask to add mystery and excitement
  • Lace Garter for a romantic touch
  • Silky Restraints to tie your lover up


The Bodywand 5 Piece Honeymoon Gift Set is the perfect way to celebrate your nuptials and make your special night one to remember. This gift set comes complete with a USB Rechargeable Wand, Vibrating Love Ring, Bling Blindfold Mask, Lace Garter and Silky Restraints so you can tie your lover up and make them yours forever. The USB Rechargeable Wand provides powerful vibrations for maximum pleasure, while the Vibrating Love Ring gives extra stimulation. The Bling Blindfold Mask adds mystery and excitement to your night, and the Lace Garter adds a romantic touch. Finally, the Silky Restraints let you tie your lover up and make them yours forever. Get ready for the night of your life with the Bodywand 5 Piece Honeymoon Gift Set! You and your partner can make your special night one to remember with the Bodywand 5 Piece Honeymoon Gift Set. Start off by tying your partner up with the Silky Restraints and blindfolding them with the Bling Blindfold Mask for a night of mystery and excitement. Then, slip on the Lace Garter for a romantic touch. Finally, use the USB Rechargeable Wand and the Vibrating Love Ring to provide powerful vibrations and extra pleasure. With the Bodywand 5 Piece Honeymoon Gift Set, you and your partner can make your special night one to remember and celebrate your nuptials in style.


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