Cliona by Kiiroo


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Dive to the deepest parts of your pleasure with Cliona by KIIROO; a powerful, waterproof, pocket-sized clit massager. Cliona by KIIROO is perfect for anyone on the go or looking for a quiet but intensely satisfying night at home. As a highly advanced, touch-sensitive massager; Cliona allows for two-way pleasure online. Play alone, play with your lover from a distance, or let over 4,000 interactive erotic videos be in control of your pleasure. There is a variety of interactive erotic content available from,, and may other leading sites. Big things come in small packages, Cliona is no exception. With Cliona You Can: Control vibration intensity with a simple touch - Transmit touch to your partner's device from a distance - Have your pleasure controlled by your partner - Allow your pleasure to be controlled by compatible interactive erotic content, Cliona by KIIROO is fully compatible with all KIIROO products, and FeelTech enabled products from a variety of leading sex tech producers.

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Clitoral Stimulators