Gossip Gee Spot Vibrator


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  • 21 Different Intensities & Vibating Functions
  • Works with in a range of 50 feet and under water
  • Completely Waterproof & Submersible
  • Soft exterior and Firm Interior
  • USB Rechargeable
  • Use only with water based Lubricant
  • Clean with soap or toy cleaner and warm water
  • Top rack dishwasher safe
  • Boil for 3 min to sterilize
  • Insertable Length: 6.61"


The Gossip Gee Spot Vibrator is a powerful and versatile pleasure device that will take your intimate moments to the next level. It features 21 different intensities and vibrating functions, allowing you to customize your experience for maximum pleasure. It is completely waterproof and submersible, so you can take it with you in the shower or pool without worry. The exterior is soft and comfortable while the interior is firm, providing a unique sensation when used. Rechargeable via USB, it's easy to use and clean with soap or toy cleaner. The Gossip Gee Spot Vibrator is perfect for solo play or couples looking to spice up their intimate moments. To get started, charge the device fully before use by connecting it to a USB port. Apply water-based lubricant for added comfort during insertion, then explore the 21 different intensities and vibrating functions available to find your favorite setting. When finished, clean the device with soap or toy cleaner and warm water before storing in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight. When I first heard about the Gossip Gee Spot Vibrator I thought "This has got to be a joke!" But after giving it a try I was surprised at how much fun it was! This powerful little device has 21 different intensities and vibrating functions that make it perfect for solo play or spicing up couple time. It's completely waterproof so you can take it in the shower or pool without worry, plus it's rechargeable via USB so you never have to worry about running out of batteries! If you're looking for an exciting new way to add some spice into your life, this is definitely worth checking out!


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