Impulse Intimate E-Stimulator Remote Kegel Exerciser


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  • Phthalate free
  • Waterproof
  • Rechargeable
  • Vibrates
  • USB rechargeable (included)
  • 1 year warranty
  • Max run time: 120 minutes
  • Max charging time: 60 minutes
  • 3 inches x 1.25 inches (7.25 cm x 3.25 cm) kegel exerciser
  • Made of silicone, nickel-free alloy and ABS plastic/polyurethane cote/metallic plating


The Impulse Intimate E-Stimulator Remote Kegel Exerciser is an innovative device designed to help strengthen and tone pelvic floor muscles responsible for arousal and climax. This sleek vibrator has 7 vibration functions and 5 independently controlled e-stim functions that allow users to customize their experience for maximum pleasure. It features zinc alloy electro-stim pads that pulse gently to intensify sensation as well as a flexible retrieval cord for added convenience. The Impulse Intimate E Stimulator is USB rechargeable and waterproof for easy use in the shower or bathtub. With its powerful vibrations and stimulating electro pulses this device is perfect for solo or partner play. To get the most out of your Impulse Intimate E Stimulator Remote Kegel Exerciser we recommend starting off with the lowest setting on both the vibration and e stim functions before gradually increasing intensity until you find what works best for you. You can also experiment with different combinations of settings to create unique sensations that are tailored just for you or your partner's pleasure needs. For added convenience this device can be used while submerged in water making it ideal for use in the bathtub or shower. If you're looking to take your intimate moments up a notch then look no further than the Impulse Intimate E Stimulator Remote Kegel Exerciser! This innovative device offers 7 vibration functions plus 5 independently controlled e stim functions so you can customize your experience like never before - talk about getting creative in the bedroom! Not only does it provide powerful sensations but its zinc alloy electro stim pads also pulse gently to intensify sensation even more - now that's what I call an upgrade! So if you're ready to spice things up then grab one of these bad boys today - trust me when I say you won't regret it!

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