King Cock Plus 6.5 Inch Triple Density Cock with Balls


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  • Made of new and improved Fanta Flesh material
  • Stiff on the inside and soft on the outside
  • Smooth outer skin
  • Inner shaft is stiff and erect like an actual penis
  • Redesigned suction cup for more adherence
  • Harness-compatible
  • Greater realism
  • Less scent
  • Improved suction cup stability
  • Wide base is trap-on harness compatible.
  • 7.75 inches long overall
  • 5.23 x 1.57 inches insertable


The King Cock Plus 6.5 Inch Triple Density Cock with Balls is the perfect toy for those looking for a realistic experience. Made of new and improved Fanta Flesh material, it has a stiff inner shaft that feels just like an actual penis while the outer skin is soft to the touch. The redesigned suction cup offers greater adherence than ever before so you can enjoy your pleasure experience in any position you desire. It's also harness-compatible thanks to its wide base. With greater realism, less scent and improved suction cup stability, this King Cock Plus 6.5 Inch Triple Density Cock with Balls will make your fantasies come alive! Whether you're using it alone or with a partner, the King Cock Plus 6.5 Inch Triple Density Cock with Balls will take your pleasure experience up a notch! Its lifelike design makes it feel just like the real thing while its improved suction cup allows you to use it in any position you desire. You can even use it with a harness if that's what floats your boat! So get ready to explore all kinds of new sensations with this amazing toy! If you're looking for something that looks AND feels like the real thing then look no further than the King Cock Plus 6.5 Inch Triple Density Cock with Balls! This bad boy has got everything - from its lifelike design to its improved suction cup - making it one of my favorite toys ever! And let me tell ya - I've tried 'em all! So if you want something that'll blow your mind (in every sense of the word) then get yourself one of these babies ASAP! Trust me - you won't regret it!


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