Locking Cock and Ball Ring


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  • Stainless Steel Rings: Cold, hard steel rings encircle the shaft and the base of the scrotum.
  • Secure Locking Mechanism: Includes a gold locking pin that fits into the locking device imbedded in the ring itself.
  • Two Ring Sizes: Use either the 1.75 inch or 2 inch diameter ball rings for a comfortable fit.
  • Cock Ring Inner Diameter: 1.25 inches.
  • Ball Ring Inner Diameters: 1.75 inches, 2 inches.
  • Materials: Stainless steel.
  • Color: Grey.
  • Non-porous; use it with any type of lubricant.
  • Easy to clean; boil it in water after use or use a cleaning solution.
  • Rinse with warm water and mild soap before spraying with toy cleaner.


Get ready for an exciting night when you slip on this Locked Cock locking cock and ball ring set! This stainless steel set includes two rings - one for your shaft and one for your balls - that are securely kept together by a secure locking mechanism built into the device. Choose between the 1.75 inch or 2 inch diameter ring to fit around your balls and scrotum then slide the cock ring over your shaft to lock into place using the gold key included with the rings. Once locked in place, you will be held rigid and firm as long as you desire! The cold, hard steel is durable, long-lasting, temperature sensitive and non-porous so you can enjoy hours of enhanced sensation and improved performance with this sexy set! Plus it's easy to clean; just boil it in water after use or use a cleaning solution before rinsing with warm water and mild soap before spraying with toy cleaner. Get ready for an unforgettable experience when you slip on this Locked Cock locking cock and ball ring set! Start by choosing the ring size that feels comfortable around your balls. Then slip one testicle in at a time until both are through the ring followed by pulling a semi flaccid shaft through as well. Grab your cock ring and slip it over the head of your shaft lining up its locking pins with those of the ball ring then take out your key to lock it securely into place. For first timers we recommend wearing it no more than 30 minutes to an hour; make sure there is no numbness before increasing usage time once you get used to wearing it! Enjoy enhancing playtime with your partner or simply enjoy how cool yet firm steel feels against your shaft! If you're looking for something that'll keep ya locked up tight all night long - look no further than this Locked Cock locking cock & ball ring set! It's got everything ya need - two stainless steel rings (one for yer shaft & one fer yer balls) plus a gold key ta lock 'em all up nice n' tight so ya can enjoy hours o' enhanced sensation & improved performance - what more could ya want? Plus they're easy ta clean - just boil 'em in water after usin' 'em or spray 'em down wit' some toy cleaner if ya wanna keep things simple - either way ya won't regret gettin' these bad boys ta spice up yer night!


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