Onyx Non-Piercing Nipple Chain


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  • Easy to wear cinch design
  • Fully adjustable nipple adornment
  • Consists of 2 adjustable nipple loops made from soft silicone
  • Loops measure 2.5 inches (6.35 cm)
  • Silver beaded adjusters slide up and down for an easy secure grip
  • Non-tarnishing nickel-free iron chain with a trio of teardrop-shaped onyx crystals
  • Perfect for first time and experienced users
  • Stimulates nipple sensitivity and intimate arousal
  • Use arousal gel for a long lasting erect nipple effect
  • Clean with a toy cleaner spray before and after use.


The Onyx Non-Piercing Nipple Chain Jewelry is designed to give you ultimate pleasure. This seductive body jewelry shows off your intimate pleasure zones to maximum effect. It's easy to wear with its cinch design that consists of two adjustable loops made from soft silicone. The loops measure 2.5 inches (6.35 cm) and have silver beaded adjusters that slide up and down for an easy secure grip. From the loops dangles a non-tarnishing nickel free iron chain that is decorated with a trio of teardrop shaped onyx crystals. This comfortable to wear jewelry is perfect for both first time users as well as experienced ones who want to tantalize their lover or make a statement fetish piece. It can stimulate your nipples sensitivity as well as intimate arousal when used in combination with arousal gel for an intensified erotic experience. Cleaning it before and after use is easy with any toy cleaner spray available in the market. When you're ready to spice things up in the bedroom, slip on the Onyx Non Piercing Nipple Chain Jewelry for some added excitement! The adjustable loops will fit snugly around your nipples while the dangling chain adds extra stimulation when it moves against your skin during playtime! You can also use arousal gel to increase sensation even further! I just got my hands on this amazing new piece of body jewelry - the Onyx Non Piercing Nipple Chain Jewelry - and let me tell ya... it's gonna take your sex life from zero to sixty real quick! The adjustable loops are so comfortable that you won't even feel them once they're on - but trust me, you'll definitely feel all those tingly sensations when the dangling chain starts swaying around! And if you want even more stimulation? Just add some arousal gel into the mix - then get ready for some serious fun times!


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California Exotic Sex Toys
Erotic Jewelry