Pillow Talk Frisky Luxurious Pleasure Balls


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  • Pink color
  • Super silky high grade silicone finish
  • Flexible
  • Comfortable cushion textured grip
  • Dazzles with Swarovski crystal
  • Elegant design
  • Weight - 2 oz. (single ball), 2.5 oz. (duo balls)
  • Length - 7.99 in.
  • Diameter - 1.25 in.


The Pillow Talk Frisky Luxurious Pleasure Balls form a perfect pair of progressive Kegel balls that are perfectly weighted to strengthen one's pelvic muscles and increase excitement. These pleasure balls deliver a stimulating rocking motion inspired by one's natural movements and have a padded cushion texture which helps in keeping them in place. The stylish silicone cord dazzles with Swarovski crystal for an elegant design that is sure to please. The pink colored Frisky kegel exercisers are made from super silky high grade silicone and have a comfortable cushion textured grip for added comfort and flexibility during use. The duo balls weigh 2 oz each and measure 7.99 inches long and 1.25 inches in diameter for easy insertion and removal when needed. The Pillow Talk Frisky Luxurious Pleasure Balls can be used as part of your daily routine to help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles while also providing extra stimulation during intimate moments with your partner or solo playtime. Simply insert the duo balls into the vagina using lubrication if desired and contract your pelvic floor muscles around them to keep them in place while you move around throughout the day or night as desired. As you move around the pleasure balls will provide gentle rocking motions that will stimulate both internally and externally for added pleasure during sex or masturbation sessions!


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