Playful in Pearls Pearl Collar and Cuff


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Playful in Pearls is a sensual collection of pearls and lace to enhance romance and intimate play! Seductive, lacy, adjustable collar with a detachable pearl leash. Stretchy lace cuff with satin ribbon accent. Removable, luxurious strand of pearls. Made using the following materials: Polyester lace, ribbon, Velcro, 60% ABS plastic, 40% PS pearls, 35% Rubber, 65% Polyester elastic, Nylon string, Nickel free Iron hardware. Bulk weight 1.0 ounce. Category: For Women, Attire & Adornments, More Fun, Fetish. Playful In Pearls Pearl Collar and Cuff from California Exotic Novelties. Sex toys and sexual wellness.


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