Nine-Row Spiked Pinwheel


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  • Product Name: Prick 9 Row Spiked Pinwheel
  • Producer: Xr Llc
  • Description: Spiked wheel for sensation play
  • Design: Ten rows of evenly spaced, needle sharp pins
  • Function: Rolls smoothly across the skin for a prick of pleasure
  • Size: Ergonomically curved and ideal for beginners
  • Measurements: 5.25 inches in total length (approximately 13.34 cm)
  • Wheel Diameter: 0.75 inches (approximately 1.91 cm)
  • Material: Made from ABS plastic and metal
  • Color: Black


Introducing the Prick, a sensation wheel that's designed to deliver a delightful prick of pleasure. This unique tool is perfect for those who are new to sensation play and are seeking a blend of exquisite pleasure and calculated teasing. The Prick is a spiked sensation wheel that's designed to run smoothly across the skin, stimulating your most treasured areas with a devious prick of pleasure. The Prick measures 5.25 inches in total length, with the wheel itself measuring 0.75 inches in diameter. It's the perfect size for anyone new to sensation play, providing a comfortable grip and easy maneuverability. The Prick is ergonomically curved, ensuring that it fits comfortably in your hand and can be easily controlled. The wheel of the Prick is designed with ten rows of evenly spaced, needle-sharp pins. These pins are designed to turn smoothly as the wheel rolls across the flesh, delivering a prick of pleasure that's sure to send shivers down your spine. The sensation is unlike anything else, a unique blend of pleasure and pain that's sure to leave you wanting more. The Prick is made from ABS plastic and metal, ensuring that it's both durable and easy to clean. The black color adds a touch of elegance and sophistication, making it a stylish addition to any collection. When it comes to using the Prick, the possibilities are endless. You can use it to tease and tantalize your partner, running the wheel across their skin and watching as they react to the unique sensation. You can also use it on yourself, exploring your own body and discovering new heights of pleasure. The Prick is perfect for those who are looking to spice up their love life, adding a new dimension of sensation to their intimate moments. It's also a great tool for those who are interested in exploring the world of BDSM, providing a safe and easy way to experiment with sensation play. Remember, the key to a great sensation play experience is communication. Always discuss your boundaries and safe words before starting, and make sure to check in with your partner regularly to ensure they're comfortable and enjoying the experience. In conclusion, the Prick is a unique and versatile tool that's perfect for anyone looking to explore the world of sensation play. With its ergonomic design, needle-sharp pins, and smooth rolling action, it's sure to deliver a prick of pleasure that you won't soon forget. So why wait? Start exploring the world of sensation play with the Prick today.


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