Red Leather Strap Paddle


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  • Made of hide of cow leather on both sides
  • Comes with leather strap handle to go around the wrist
  • Perfect for teasing, spanking, foreplay
  • Versatile toy that can be used as lightly or as intensely as you demand
  • Will please spanking beginners and pros alike
  • Spanked area will be more sensitive to touch for more inspired partner pleasure
  • Available in Red and Black colour
  • This Spank paddle will implement's a print on the buttocks of the receiver
  • Perfect device for an erotic purpose or hazing ritual


The Red Leather Strap Paddle is the perfect tool for spanking, teasing, and foreplay. It is made of cow hide leather on both sides and comes with a leather strap handle to go around the wrist. It is versatile and can be used as lightly or as intensely as desired, making it suitable for both beginners and pros alike. The spanked area will be more sensitive to touch, leading to more inspired partner pleasure. This paddle is available in both Red and Black colour, and it will also leave a print on the buttocks of the receiver. It is the perfect device for an erotic purpose or hazing ritual. The Red Leather Strap Paddle can be used for a variety of purposes, from light teasing and foreplay to intense spanking. Beginners can start with light strokes, gradually increasing the intensity as desired. For those looking for a more intense experience, the paddle can be used with more force. The spanked area will become more sensitive to touch, leading to more inspired partner pleasure. This paddle is also perfect for an erotic purpose or hazing ritual, as it will leave a print on the buttocks of the receiver.


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