Remote Control Vibrating Lace Panty Small Med


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  • Phthalate Free
  • Waterproof
  • Rechargeable
  • Vibrates
  • Made from Silicone, ABS Plastic/Polyurethane Cote, Nylon & Spandex
  • USB Rechargeable (Included)
  • 1 Year Warranty
  • Max Run Time: 55 minutes
  • Max Charging Time: 60 minutes
  • Measurements: 3 x .75 inches (7.62 cm x 1.9 cm)


This naughty little secret will make you feel so sweet! A vibrating lace panty that'll make your heart beat! It's got twelve intense functions for pleasure galore, And it's waterproof and rechargeable for even more! The remote control can be used up to 32 feet away, So you can have fun wherever you may stay! The Remote Control Vibrating Lace Panty Set is the perfect way to indulge in your newest dirty little secret. This sexy set includes a stretch-to-fit cheeky panty made from extended wear materials like silicone, ABS plastic/polyurethane cote, nylon and spandex for maximum comfort and durability. The panties feature an internal pocket for the curved panty teaser which is powered by a discreet remote control with a range of up to 32' (10 m). With 12 intense functions of vibration at your fingertips or your partner's fingertips if you choose to share the pleasure - this powerful mini vibrator is sure to deliver knee-shaking sensations every time. The USB rechargeable battery provides up to 45 minutes of low-speed vibration or 40 minutes of high intensity stimulation after only 1 hour of charging time - making it ideal for adventurous playtime anywhere you go. And when you're done playing around simply throw it in the washing machine for easy cleaning and care. Whether you're a blushing beginner or an erotic expert - this playful set adds versatile vibrations to any toy box! If you are looking for an exciting way to spice up date night then look no further than the Remote Control Vibrating Lace Panty Set! Slip into these comfortable panties featuring an internal pocket for the curved panty teaser and hand over control of your pleasure to your partner with the discreet remote control that has a range of up to 32' (10 m). Let them tantalize and tease as they choose from 12 different functions ranging from gentle pulsations all the way up to high intensity vibrations - giving both partners full access to each other's pleasure zones! And when playtime is over simply throw them in the washing machine for easy cleaning and care - making them ready for next time! Ladies let me tell ya about something special that I found...the Remote Control Vibrating Lace Panties are sure to turn things around! These naughty little secrets will add some extra spice when ya need it most... just slip 'em on and let those vibrations take their course! With twelve different functions ranging from gentle pulsations all the way up high intensity vibes... you'll be begging for more before ya know it's time flies! Plus they're waterproof so no worries if things get wet...just recharge 'em quick, and they'll be ready again before ya know it yet! So don't wait another minute ladies - grab yourself some me when I say these panties will make date night one heckuva day!

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California Exotic Sex Toys
Vibrating Panties