Renegade Vibrating Head Unit


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  • Made of silky-smooth silicone
  • Textured interior for heightened sensations
  • Rechargeable
  • Suitable with all lubricants
  • Measures 5.16 x 1.81 inches overall
  • 2.76 x 1.46 inches insertable
  • Designed to stimulate the head of the penis
  • Breathtaking climax guaranteed!
  • Easy to use and clean
  • Discreet packaging for privacy


The Renegade Vibrating Head Unit is an innovative device designed to provide intense pleasure and stimulation to the head of the penis. Made from silky-smooth silicone material that feels amazing against your skin, this unit features a textured interior that provides extra sensation during use. It is also rechargeable so you can enjoy it over and over again without having to worry about running out of power or buying batteries. The Renegade Vibrating Head Unit measures 5.16 x 1.81 inches overall and 2.76 x 1.46 inches insertable so it fits comfortably in your hand and is easy to use and clean after each session. Plus it comes in discreet packaging for added privacy when ordering or storing it away at home! For an unforgettable experience every time you use it, try using the Renegade Vibrating Head Unit with some lubricant before inserting it into your partner's penis head area for maximum stimulation and pleasure! This unit is designed to provide intense vibrations that will help bring them closer than ever before while providing them with an unforgettable climax they won't soon forget! If you're looking for something that will take your bedroom game up a notch - look no further than the Renegade Vibrating Head Unit! This little guy packs a powerful punch - literally! With its silky-smooth silicone material and textured interior design - this thing will have you screaming in ecstasy in no time flat! Plus - it's rechargeable so you don't have to worry about running out of juice mid-session! So if you're looking for something that'll make your partner go wild - I highly recommend giving this one a try!


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