Round Massage Candle Sunsational 6oz


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  • Hemp Seed Massage Candle
  • Unique blend of six natural oils
  • Provides professional slip that moisturizes skin
  • Helps keep skin healthy and youthful looking
  • Triggers production of collagen in the skin
  • Absorbs quickly and provides moisture for long periods of time
  • Smoothes and moisturizes skin all day
  • 6oz size candle
  • Made with natural ingredients
  • Ideal for use as a massage oil or daily moisturizer


Round Massage Candle Sunsational 6oz is the perfect way to relax and rejuvenate your skin. This 3-in-1 massage candle melts down into a unique blend of six natural oils providing a professional slip that moisturizes skin, leaving it appear more healthy and hydrated with a youthful looking glow. Hemp seed oil has high levels of Omega 3 and 6 Essential Fatty Acids, which nourish and protect the skin. Jojoba seed oil absorbs into the skin and delivers hydration and long-lasting moisture. Soybean oil is a great source of antioxidants and helps keep skin healthy and youthful looking. Avocado oil triggers the production of collagen in the skin, which helps it stay smooth and rejuvenated. It easily absorbs into the skin and is an excellent moisturizer. Kernel oil is good for soothing dry, parched skin. It absorbs quickly and provides moisture for long periods of time. Coconut oil smoothes and moisturizes skin all day, leaving it feeling silky soft. The 6oz size candle makes it ideal for use as a massage oil or daily moisturizer. After a long day at work, I like to use my Round Massage Candle Sunsational 6oz to help me relax my body from head to toe! I light the candle before taking a warm bath or shower to allow the aroma to fill up my bathroom while I'm getting ready for bed. Once I'm done with my bath or shower, I blow out the candle then pour some of the melted massage oil onto my hands before massaging it onto my body in circular motions starting from my neck down to my toes. The combination of six natural oils provides me with an amazing professional slip that not only leaves me feeling relaxed but also helps keep my skin looking healthy, hydrated, and youthful! Oh man! You know what's better than a massage? A massage with Round Massage Candle Sunsational 6oz! This luxurious 3-in-1 massage candle melts down into a unique blend of six natural oils that provide you with an amazing professional slip that leaves your skin feeling silky smooth! Not only does this liquid gold make you feel like you just stepped out of a spa but it also nourishes your skin with essential fatty acids while helping keep your complexion looking healthy, hydrated, and youthful! So if you're looking for something special that will help you relax after a long day then Round Massage Candle Sunsational 6oz is definitely worth checking out!


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Earthly Body Massage
Massage Candles