Shower Cleansing Nozzle with Flow Regulator


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  • Regulator tab allows you to control the flow of water
  • Nozzle shaped for smooth and easy insertion
  • Compatible with the Cleanstream Shower Enema System
  • 7 inches in length
  • 2.5 inches insertable
  • .6 inches insertable width
  • Made of ABS plastic
  • Silver color
  • LE776 compatible
  • Body-safe attachment is easy-to-use and built to last!


The Shower Cleansing Nozzle with Flow Regulator is a great addition to your Clean Stream enema system. This flow regulating nozzle provides greater control over your cleaning out experiences by allowing you to increase or decrease the amount of water that rushes from the hose into your anus for deep cleaning. The comfort handle makes it easy to keep hold of this nozzle while it shoots water into you. This body-safe attachment is 7 inches in length, 2.5 inches insertable and .6 inches insertable width with a silver color finish. It's made of ABS plastic and compatible with LE776 so it's easy-to-use and built to last! If you're looking for a deeper cleanse, the Shower Cleansing Nozzle with Flow Regulator is a great addition to your Clean Stream enema system. This flow regulating nozzle allows you to increase or decrease the amount of water that rushes from the hose into your anus for deep cleaning. The comfort handle makes it easy to keep hold of this nozzle while it shoots water into you. This body-safe attachment is 7 inches in length, 2.5 inches insertable and .6 inches insertable width with a silver color finish. It's made of ABS plastic and compatible with LE776 so it's easy-to-use and built to last! If you're looking for an extra deep cleanse, then look no further than the Shower Cleansing Nozzle with Flow Regulator! This flow regulating nozzle gives you greater control over your cleaning out experiences - now you can increase or decrease the amount of water rushing from the hose into your anus for deep cleansing. Plus, it has a comfort handle so it's easy to keep hold of while shooting water into yourself! And don't worry about quality - this body-safe attachment is made of ABS plastic and compatible with LE776, so it's sure to last! So if you want an extra deep cleanse, get yourself a Shower Cleansing Nozzle with Flow Regulator today!


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