Triple Orgasm


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  • Dual Penetration Vibrator with Clit Stimulator
  • Powerful triple action massager
  • Motors located in the shaft, stimulator and tail
  • 3 speeds of vibration in the shaft
  • 10 functions of vibration, pulsation and escalation in the stimulator and beaded tail
  • Body-safe Silicone and 100% waterproof
  • Independently operated shaft and stimulators
  • USB rechargeable – charging cord included
  • Ergonomic design for maximum comfort


The Triple Orgasm is a dual penetration vibrator with clit stimulator that offers powerful triple action massager. It features three speeds of vibration in the shaft and 10 functions of vibration, pulsation and escalation in the stimulator and beaded tail. This toy is made from body-safe silicone and is 100% waterproof, making it perfect for use in the bath or shower. It also has independently operated shaft and stimulators, so you can customize your pleasure experience. The Triple Orgasm is USB rechargeable and comes with a charging cord included. With its ergonomic design, this vibrator provides maximum comfort during use. The Triple Orgasm makes it easy to enjoy some alone time or spice up your love life with your partner! Use it solo or with a partner to explore new levels of pleasure. You can customize your experience by adjusting the speed of vibration in the shaft as well as the 10 functions of vibration, pulsation and escalation in the stimulator and beaded tail. Enjoy this toy in the bath or shower since it's 100% waterproof! If you're looking for an out-of-this-world experience, then look no further than the Triple Orgasm! This dual penetration vibrator with clit stimulator will have you screaming from pleasure! With its powerful triple action massager featuring 3 speeds of vibration in the shaft and 10 functions of vibration, pulsation and escalation in the stimulator and beaded tail, you'll never want to put this toy down! Plus, it's made from body-safe silicone so you can feel good about using it safely every time. And if that wasn't enough, it's USB rechargeable so you don't have to worry about running out of batteries mid-session! So what are you waiting for? Get yourself a Triple Orgasm today - your pleasure will thank you later!


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California Exotic Sex Toys
Dual Entry Vibrators