Vibrassage Caress Vibrating Clit Teaser by Inmi


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  • 3.6 inches in total length
  • 1.6 inches in width
  • Space between ticklers approximately .4 inches
  • Made of premium silicone and ABS plastic
  • Non-porous and phthalate-free
  • Rechargeable via USB
  • Fully submersible for use in the bath or shower
  • Easy to use during solo or partner play
  • Color: Pink
  • Clean after use with mild soap or toy cleaner.


The Vibrassage Caress by Inmi is an innovative vibrating clit teaser designed to provide powerful stimulation and pleasure. This luxurious sex accessory utilizes dual vibration and massage technology to surround your sensitive clit - or other erogenous zones - with powerful buzzing from one tickler, and gentle gyration from the other two. It fits easily in your hand during solo or partner play for maximum pleasure. The Vibrassage Caress is rechargeable via USB for convenience and can even be fully submerged for use in the bath or shower. It is made of premium silicone which makes it non-porous and phthalate-free but not compatible with silicone lubricants. Clean after use with mild soap or toy cleaner. Enjoy the orgasmic sensations of vibration and swirling massage at once! Whether you're looking for a little extra stimulation during solo play or want to spice up your bedroom activities with your partner, the Vibrassage Caress is sure to please. Its dual vibration and massage technology provides powerful buzzing from one tickler while gently massaging your sensitive areas with its other two ticklers - all while fitting comfortably in your hand during playtime. Plus, its rechargeable design allows for easy charging via USB so that you never have to worry about running out of power mid-session! Enjoy the orgasmic sensations of vibration and swirling massage at once with this luxurious sex accessory today! If there was ever an invention that could make me shout 'hallelujah', it would be the Vibrassage Caress by Inmi! This innovative vibrating clit teaser uses dual vibration and massage technology to provide powerful stimulation around my sensitive areas - making me feel like I'm on cloud nine every time I use it! Not only does it fit comfortably in my hand during solo or partner playtime but its rechargeable design ensures I never run out of power mid session either. Plus its made from premium silicone which makes it non porous and phthalate free - meaning I can enjoy all its features without worrying about causing any harm either! So if you're looking for something special that will take your bedroom activities up a notch then look no further than this amazing device - trust me when I say you won't regret it one bit!

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Clitoral Stimulators